2D view:

Create ortho image
An image of the currently visible screen section is created and immediately inserted again as a bitmap.
This bitmap shows the vehicles at their current location as well as point clouds and drawings.

3D view:

The 3D window is provided with ribbon menue

Time dependent light sources
Turn signals and flashing brake lights can be defined.



Camera flight for relative camera positions


Custom map providers can be specified
Individual addresses of providers can be inserted and used in PC-Crash

GPS information from JPG files can be displayed
A georeferenced image can be dragged onto the map and it will appear in the correct location

Images can be geotagged

GoPro GPS and sensor data can be imported

Mulitbody Simulation:
Additional motorcycle models


Active headrest



Additional solver
New contact shapes: box, sphere, cylinder, capsule, cone
Additional contact model (PBD)




DSD Database:

6500 additional vehicles (incl.facelifts)


Updated databases